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Moltinus was the name of a Gallic deity in Celtic mythology . He was worshiped as a fertility deity, but also as a chthonic (underworld) god . In the Interpretatio Romana in Mâcon he was equated with Mars , in Wilten he was called together with Mercurius .


The name is derived from the Irish molt , or the Welsh mollt (both means "ram"). Compare also the Gaulish word mouton (“sheep”, “mutton”) , which is still preserved in French today . Among other things, the ram was a symbol of fertility among the Celts.


Moltinus is in a consecration inscription of Mâcon ( Matisco , Roman province Gallia Lugdunensis , now in Saône-et-Loire , Region Bourgogne Franche-Comte in France ) in the field of Aedui called as well as a curse tablets (Defixio) from Veldidena ( Wilten at Innsbruck , Roman province of Raetia ).

See also


Individual evidence

  1. CIL 13, 2585 C (ai) Sulp (ici) M (arci) fil (ii) Galli omnibus / honoribus apud suos func (ti) / IIvir (i) q (uinquennalis) flaminis Aug (usalis) P [3] OGEN (?) / dei Moltini gutuatri (?) Mart (is) / sevir cui ordo quod esset civ (is) / optimus et innocentissimus / statuas publ (icas) ponendas decrev (it) //] DO [3] VSVA [3] / diorata Mato Antullus / Mutilus Combuocovati f (ilius) / ex v (oto) s (olvit) // Iovi et Aug (usto) / sacrum
  2. AE 1961, 181 Secundina Mercurio et / Moitino mandat ut si quis | (denarios) XIIII / sive dracus duos sustulit ut / eum sive fortunas eius in [fi] / dus Cacus sic auferat quo / modo ill <i = E> ablatum est [i] d quod / vobis deligat ut perse <q = C> uatis (!) / vobisque deligat ut // persicuatis (!) et eum / aversum a fortunis (s) u / is avertatis et a suis prox / {s} imis et ab eis quos caris / simos (h) abeat [(h) o] c vobis / mandat vos (e) um cor / [ipi] atis [