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Monchhichis ( Japanese モ ン チ ッ チ , Monchitchi ) are monkey-like dolls that were brought onto the market in 1974 by the Japanese toy manufacturer Sekiguchi . The hands, feet and face of the doll are made of inelastic plastic , the rest of the body is made of filled brown or white artificial fur . A pacifier or the thumb of the right hand can be put into the doll's mouth.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, the Monchhichi figures from the company were Bienengräber & Co. sold.


The first change in production came in 1980: a pacifier (firmly encapsulated, not removable) was placed in the Monchhichi's right hand, the left hand was now open instead of in a grasping position and the thumb was made smaller so that it could no longer be stuck in the mouth. Likewise, the feet were shown straight instead of in a grasping position and the “foot thumb” fell away. Ear openings and tail also fell away, the ears became smaller, the face more rounded. Overall, the appearance was aligned even more closely to the child's scheme.

In 1985 there was another change: If the Monchhichis previously had blue eyes, they are now produced with brown eyes. The structure of the fur was also changed.

Range expansion

The “Monchhichi Boutique” opened in Japan as early as 1976, offering a wide range of clothing, vehicles, furniture and accessories to create new incentives to buy. Over time, the Monchhichi range has been expanded again and again. The collection was produced by Sun Arrow Co. Ltd. in Tokyo.


In 1979 the Monchhichi song by Bina & Nina came out in Germany, probably based on the model of the Schlumpflied .

To support sales, the anime series Futago no Monchhichi was produced in 1980 ( ふ た ご の モ ン チ ッ チ , Futago no Monchitchi , German “Monchhichi twins” - originally a “twin pair” made up of boy and girl), which was also broadcast in Italy. The series consisted of 116 episodes of 5 minutes each. The opening credits were sung by Noriko Hidaka and it was also the first single of her singing career.

In the USA , the cartoon series Monchhichis was made by Hanna-Barbera Productions and dolls by Mattel , the co-producers of the series. The American series first aired in 1983, but was discontinued after a season.

Pop culture references

A bonus track for the album How we want to live by the discourse rock band Tocotronic is called Monchichi. It says: "Replace the fetish fantasy with the measure Mon Chichhi."

In the rap song Pale Thinner Boy does his job , Jan Böhmermann refers to the hair of the Monchhichis by singing: "Nix hairline like Monchichi, look ma ', receding hairline"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Monchichi. In: MusikGuru. Retrieved July 7, 2020 .
  2. Jan Böhmermann - Pale thinner boy does his job. Retrieved June 29, 2017 .