Moritz Bardeleben

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Ferdinand Moritz Bardeleben (born February 14, 1827 in Frankfurt (Oder) , † June 14, 1892 in Celle ) was a German judge.


Bardeleben was the son of the Frankfurt judicial councilor Heinrich Bardeleben . He enrolled on May 8, 1847 at the Hessian Ludwig University in Gießen for law. In Gießen, Bardeleben published the spring almanac collection of poems in 1848 . In August 1948, Bardeleben can be verified as president of the student body's committee. With the Corps Starkenburgia he was a concubine from autumn 1848 to autumn 1849 . In 1849 he was a participant and spokesman for the Gießen student body to move to Gleiberg Castle . In the winter semester of 1849/50 he moved to the Friedrichs University in Halle . There he was reciprocated in the Corps Palaiomarchia . In the fall of 1850 it was inactivated . In 1858, Bardeleben was transferred as a court assessor from the district of the Royal Court of Appeal in Frankfurt to the public prosecutor's office at the Greifswald Court of Appeal. In 1887 he was appointed President of the Higher Regional Court in Celle . Starkenburgia awarded him the ribbon on August 7, 1890. Moritz Bardeleben died in office at the age of 65.

Ferdinand Moritz Bardeleben married Maria Feuerherm in Frankfurt (Oder) in August 1860. The couple had two children: Margarethe Wilhelmine Eugenie Auguste Bardeleben, baptized on December 17, 1861, and Heinrich Carl Ludwig Bardeleben, baptized on August 30, 1865.


  • Dr. iur. hc
  • Honorary member of the Corps Palaiomarchia

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Franz Kössler, Register of the matriculations and inscription books of the University of Gießen WS 1807/08 - WS 1850, Gießen (1976), part I., p. 6.
  2. Ursula Perkow: How Otto Roquette became a poet . In: Yearbook of the district association Handschuhsheim eV . Heidelberg 1997 ( [PDF; 302 kB ]).
  3. ^ JE Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung (Hrsg.): Directory of books, maps, etc., which were newly published or reissued from January to June 1848, with indication of the page number, the publisher, the prices in 14 thaler feet, literary Evidence and a scientific overview . tape 100 . JE Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1848, p. XLV ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  4. ^ Moritz Badeleben, Ludwig Baur: The Student Union Committee has issued the following notice . In: Bamberger Zeitung . No. 4 . Bamberg September 4, 1848, p. 3 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  5. ^ National des Corps Starkenburgia
  6. Kösener Corps lists 1910, 57/570.
  7. Personnel Chronicle . In: Official Gazette of the Prussian Government in Stralsund . tape 41 . Stralsund 1858, p. 35 ( ).
  8. ^ Higher Regional Court of Celle. Retrieved February 27, 2020 .
  9. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 38/695.