Moritz Rathenau

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Moritz Rathenau , actually Moses Rathenau (born May 19, 1800 in Prenzlau , † June 14, 1871 in Berlin ), was a German-Jewish entrepreneur . He was the father of Emil Rathenau , the founder of the AEG , and grandfather Walther Rathenau . The social worker Jenny Apolant was the daughter of his son Albert.

In 1825 Moses Rathenau started his own business as a grain trader in Berlin. In 1836 he married Pauline Liebermann (actually Therese, called Teibchen), whose father Josef Liebermann was the first in Prussia to mechanically manufacture cotton fabrics .

In 1841 Moritz Rathenau joined the Society of Friends , a Jewish association in Berlin whose members supported each other in cases of poverty, unemployment, illness and death.


  • Ernst G. Lowenthal: Jews in Prussia: biographical directory. A representative cross-section. - Berlin: Reimer, 1981 ISBN 3-4960-1012-6

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Moses Rathenau in. The Jewish Citizens' Books of the City of Berlin 1809 - 1851 ; Edited by Jacob Jacobson . Berlin: de Gruyter, 1962, p. 203, No. 962