Moscow watchdog

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Moscow Watchdog
(Московская Сторожевая)
Moscow watchdog
Not from the FCI recognized
2.2 mountain dogs
Origin :

USSR, Russia

Alternative names:

Moskovskaya Storozhevaya

Withers height:

Male at least 68 cm, ideally 77–78 cm,
bitch at least 66 cm, ideally 72–73 cm
no upper limit


Males at least 55 kg,
bitches at least 45 kg

List of domestic dogs

The Moscow Watchdog ( russ . Московская Сторожевая, Moskovskaya Storozhevaya ) is not from the FCI recognized dog breed from the USSR and today's Russia . The breed is recognized by the Russian umbrella organization RKF , which is part of the FCI.

Origin and history

The Moscow watchdog is a relatively young breed that was created in the 1950s in the “Red Star” kennel of the Soviet Army in Moscow by crossing a Saint Bernard and a Caucasian Ovcharka , into which hounds were later crossed. The goal was to make the difficult-to-control Ovcharka a little less spirited.

The first breed standard of the Moscow watchdog dates from 1958. In 1985 the breed was officially recognized by the Soviet Union and after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1992, recognition was retained by the Russian umbrella organization RKF. The current standard dates from 1997.


The Moscow watchdog is a heavy and strongly built, well muscled and agile dog of the Molossian type . Its head is large with a pronounced stop . The forehead is broad, somewhat convex, with a narrow longitudinal furrow in the middle. The occiput is strongly developed, but hardly noticeable if the muscles are sufficiently muscled. The snout is slightly shorter than the skull, broad, not pointed, and takes up about 35% of the length of the head. The bridge of the nose and the roof of the skull are parallel. The jaws are broad and strong, with large teeth and a full, scissor bite . The eyes are narrow, dark brown to black, round, with a calm and confident expression. The Moscow Guard Dog has rather small, triangular, lop-eared ears with a rounded tip.

The body is massive, but never clumsy, with a strong, straight and muscular back. The croup is broad and muscular, moderately long and slightly sloping. The tail is thick, evenly hairy, with a small bend at the end and extends to the hock .

The coat is dense and long, with a well-developed undercoat and straight top coat , and shorter on the head and forelegs. Males have a pronounced mane and feathering on the front and rear legs. Slightly curled fur on the body and thighs is permitted. The recognized colors are spotted red , red spotted, orange, red and black or sable colors, whereby the color red must always be present. White spots on the chest, on the front legs to the elbow joint and on the hind legs to the ankle joint are mandatory. A black mask is desirable.


The Moscow Guard Dog is described in the standard as an obedient and balanced guard dog with a strong sense of self-confidence. He shows pronounced guard behavior and is strongly related to his owner and his family. With appropriate training, it can be used as a companion dog or as a protection dog .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Moscow Watchdog Breed Standard on the RKF website (Word document, Russian)
  2. ^ Hans-Joachim Swarovsky: BI-Lexicon dog breeds . 2nd Edition. VEB Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1985, p. 253-254 .

Web links

Commons : Moscow Watchdog  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files