Iliacus muscle

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Iliacus muscle
Anterior Hip Muscles 2nd PNG
anterior hip muscles
The iliac fossa and the anterior inferior iliac spine of the iliac bone
via the iliac fascia to the lesser trochanter of the femur
Acetabular : diffraction ( flexion ) and supination ( outward rotation ); Spine : Flexion ( inclination ) and sideways inclination ( lateral flexion )
Lumbar plexus and femoral nerve
Spinal segments

The iliacus muscle ( Latin for "iliac muscle ") is a skeletal muscle of the lower extremity in mammals, more precisely the abdominal (ventral) lumbar muscles. It is functionally combined with the large lumbar muscle ( psoas major muscle ) - in humans also with the not always present small lumbar muscle ( psoas minor muscle ) - to form the lumbar iliac muscle ( iliopsoas muscle ). The iliacus muscle forms the "head" of the fillet in slaughtered animals .


The iliacus muscle arises from the pit ( iliac fossa ) of the iliac bone ( os ilium ) and the anterior lower iliac spine ( spina iliaca anterior inferior ).

It unites with the lumbar muscles and, enveloped by their muscular ligament ( fascia iliaca ) as a lumbar iliac muscle, passes through the muscular portal ( lacuna musculorum ) to the small rolling hillock ( trochanter lesser ) of the thigh bone , where it attaches. In dogs and cattle is one approach under the bursa , the bursa subtendinea iliac .

Together with the adductor longus and pectineus muscles , the iliopsoas muscle forms the bottom of the thigh triangle . The femoral nerve runs between the iliacus muscle and the psoas major muscle and , together with direct branches from the lumbar plexus, innervates the iliacus muscle.


In the hip joint , the muscle causes flexion ; it is the strongest human hip flexor. In the sacroiliac joint , it causes the counter-nutation . In addition, it causes the hip joint depending on the starting position of the joint an outward or inward rotation . Furthermore, it causes a sideways inclination ( lateral flexion ) when tensioned on one side and a flexion ( inclination ) of the spine when tensioned on both sides , thus causing the trunk to straighten up from the supine position.

Targeted training of the iliacus muscle can be done by lifting the legs in a sitting position so that the upper body and legs form a 'V'.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Michael Schünke: Functional Anatomy - Topography and Function of the Movement System . Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 978-3-13-118571-6 , p. 337 .
  2. ^ Richard Nickel, August Schummer, Eugen Seiferle: Textbook of the anatomy of domestic animals: the musculoskeletal system . 4th edition. tape 1 . Paul Parey, 1977, ISBN 978-3-489-72416-2 , pp. 429 .
  3. a b c Dirk Ehrhardt: Practical handbook functional training . Georg Thieme, 2012, ISBN 978-3-13-162531-1 , p. 77 .
  4. ^ Franz-Viktor Salomon et al .: Anatomy for veterinary medicine . 3. Edition. Enke, Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 978-3-8304-1288-5 , pp. 199 .
  5. ^ Robert H. Whitaker, Neil R. Borley: Anatomiekompass: Pocket Atlas of the anatomical pathways . Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 978-3-13-108772-0 , p. 217 .
  6. ^ Robert H. Whitaker, Neil R. Borley: Anatomiekompass: Pocket Atlas of the anatomical pathways . Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 978-3-13-108772-0 , p. 142 .
  7. Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones: Psoas training: The large lumbar muscle as the key to physical, mental and emotional well-being . Stiebner, Grünwald 2014, ISBN 978-3-7679-2017-0 , p. 13 .