Piriformis muscle

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Piriformis muscle
Posterior Hip Muscles 1.svg
Scheme of the deep hip muscles
Facies pelvina of the sacrum ( Os sacrum ) and
Incisura ischiadica major on the ischium ( Os ischii )
Greater trochanter on the thighbone ( femur )
Outward rotation ( external rotation ),
splaying ( abduction ) and
stretching or guiding the
thigh backwards ( extension or retroversion )
Sacral plexus
Spinal segments

The piriformis muscle ( Latin for "pear-shaped muscle") is a flat, pyramidal to pear-shaped skeletal muscle of the lower extremity , more precisely the deep layer of the hip muscles. It runs on the inside of the pelvis ( pelvis ) to the thighbone ( femur ).

In the ungulates the muscle is not developed.


The area of ​​origin of the pear-shaped muscle is the lateral ( lateral ) inner surface ( facies pelvica ) of the sacrum ( os sacrum ), where it arises with several fleshy points from the bone between the four anterior sacral holes ( foramina sacralia anteriora I-IV ). Other fiber coatings originate from the upper ( superior ) edge of the large collection of the iliac line ( greater sciatic notch ) at the ischium ( ischium ).

From there it runs through the large ischial bone hole ( foramen ischiadicum majus ), which it divides and attaches to the inside of the tip ( apex ) of the large hillock ( greater trochanter ) of the thigh bone ( femur ). Its insertion tendon often unites with the tendons of the upper and lower twin muscles ( musculus gemellus superior and musculus gemellus inferior ) as well as the obturator internus muscle .


The pear-shaped muscle turns the thigh outwards while standing, spreads it to the side ( abduction ) and stretches it ( extension ) or leads it backwards ( retroversion ).

In predators , its tendon unites with that of the gluteus medius muscle , making the two muscles together into a pure hip extensor.

See also


  • W. Platzer: Pocket Atlas of Anatomy , Volume 1 - Musculoskeletal System . Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-13-492009-3 , p. 126.
  • Franz-Viktor Salomon: muscle tissue . In: Anatomy for veterinary medicine . Enke, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8304-1007-7 , pp. 147-234.