Music dealer

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The music shop is with music , that is, printed music, musical instruments , recordings and textbooks .


The activity of a music retailer includes customer advice, procurement and ordering of goods, maintenance and minor repairs of instruments as well as all commercial activities such as accounting and advertising.

The training has existed since 1954 and usually lasts three years, but can be shortened if appropriate. Formal employment requirements for the training are a secondary school leaving certificate . A high school diploma or high school diploma is usually required in the company. In addition, knowledge of musical notes or the ability to play an instrument can be assumed. Centralized courses take place in the training to convey details about music history, instrument, sheet music and publishing. There are no separate classes in the vocational school for the profession of music dealer, so that trainees mostly attend the classes of retail salesmen or booksellers. Music dealers mainly work in wholesale and retail.

The music dealers are represented by the General Association of German Music Shops, which in turn belongs to the umbrella association of the music industry and event technology (DVMV). Ulrich Sauter is the president of the DVMV.

In 2009, the profession was reorganized and has replaced the job description of the music dealer as a new apprenticeship with the name music retailer. The previous job title is still very common.

See also


  • Birgit Böcher: Musikfachhandel , German Music Information Center 2012 ( full text ; PDF; 181 kB)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Association of German Music Shops , accessed on October 14, 2015
  2. Article Musikmarkt of January 21, 2014 ( Memento of May 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on October 14, 2015