Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu

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Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu (born March 3, 1958 in Ayaş ; died October 7, 1980 in Ankara ) was a member of the right-wing Turkish Ülkücü movement . He was the first Ülkücü to be sentenced to death by hanging and hanged after the military coup in Turkey in 1980 . He was charged with participating in the "Balgat massacre". During the night on August 10, 1978, various coffeehouses of left and right-wing Turks were shot at and a total of five people were killed. Pehlivanoğlu was arrested with others during a police search operation a few hours after the incident. According to Hürriyet , his statements were pressed from him using force. One of the judges is said to have later stated in his memoirs that Pehlivanoğlu was sentenced to death in compensation for the execution of the left-wing Necdet Adalı . The newspaper Radikal , on the other hand, reported on September 6, 2011 that Pehlivanoğlu admitted and regretted the crime a few hours before his execution and named Abdullah Çatlı and Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu as the backers . The judgment was passed on October 18, 1979 by a court of emergency in Ankara and confirmed on July 16, 1980 by the 2nd Senate of the Military Court of Cassation . Then, together with İsa Armağan, who had been sentenced to death with him, shortly before the coup he managed to escape from the military prison in Mamak . The men wanted to flee abroad, but the coup and the subsequent state of emergency prevented this. The two were caught on August 18, 1980 in Kütahya and arrested again. Less than two months later, Pehlivanoğlu was hanging executed in the military prison and buried in the Karşıyaka cemetery.

Pehlivanoğlu is revered as a martyr in the Ülkücü movement. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan remembered him at a parliamentary group meeting of his party in 2010 and read from his farewell letter. He visibly struggled for composure. In March 2015 it was announced that Pehlivanoğlu's life would be filmed. İpek Tuzcuoğlu is supposed to embody the mother. A street in İnegöl was named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu kimdir Hürriyet of July 20, 2010
  2. 'Emirleri de silahları da Çatlı verirdi' Radikal of September 6, 2011
  3. Erdoğan 12 Eylül kurbanlarının mektuplarını okudu daily newspaper Radikal from July 20, 2010