My girlfriend is a cyborg

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German title My girlfriend is a cyborg
Original title 僕 の 彼女 は サ イ ボ ー グ Boku no Kanojo wa Saibōgu
Country of production Japan
original language Japanese
Publishing year 2008
length 120 minutes
Director Kwak Jae-yong
script Kwak Jae-yong
production Ji Young-jun ,
Hidemi Satani ,
Mataichiro Yamamoto
music Naoki Ohtsubo
camera Jun'ichirô Hayashi
cut Shûichi Kakesu

My Girlfriend is a Cyborg ( Japanese僕 の 彼女 は サ イ ボ ー グBoku no Kanojo wa Saibōgu , Eng . My girlfriend is a cyborg ) is a Japanese science fiction film by Kwak Jae-yong .


It is November 22nd, 2007. Jiro Kitamura is spending his 20th birthday alone. When he is buying a birthday present in a mall, he gets the attention of a "cute girl" and she gives him a surprising smile. She then successfully steals a pair of dresses, which Jiro notices, but he ignores it when she runs away from him and he is distracted by her beauty. The mysterious girl, who seems interested in him, follows him to a restaurant, where, on the advice of his grandmother, he eats spaghetti (later revealing that his mother gave birth to him in old age) for a longer and peaceful life. She suddenly appears and sits down next to him to explain that it is also "her birthday". The two then exchange birthday presents. The girl, who is no longer used to anything, behaves very bravely and suddenly rushes out of the restaurant with Jiro without paying the bill, which provokes the manager to chase them through Tokyo. While spending time with the girl, Jiro is charmed by her. But after a few hours the girl insists that she has to go and leaves with a tearful "goodbye".

The story then jumps to a year later, when Jiro celebrates his birthday again in the same restaurant. Suddenly the same looking girl appears in front of him. Jiro's older self, 65 years in the future, had sent this girl to save him from a catastrophic fate. She was actually a cyborg , modeled after the girl he met a year earlier in 2007. While he is enjoying her presence, the restaurant is suddenly attacked by a sniper, but she saves him and the other guests by throwing the shooter out of the window. Despite her "cute" appearance, she is incredibly strong and behaves atypically. Later, in Jiro's house, she reveals her true identity by showing him a 3D projection of a video in which an older Jiro from the future warns him of an impending disaster. Old Jiro told him that shooting in the restaurant paralyzed him for life. However, a lottery ticket he bought earlier was a godsend for him. He spent all of his time and money doing one thing: he created the cyborg girl to save his old self about 60 years ago. Now he has recreated the history of his timeline by sending it. This shouldn't be happening, but things would correct themselves by recalibrating themselves to the correct dimension. In a short time she becomes Jiro's protector and a loyal friend and both share wonderful moments. She also saves many other lives from tragic deaths that old Jiro regretted.

Over time, Jiro not only becomes addicted, but also falls in love with her. However, when she cannot reciprocate his feelings, he becomes irritated and forbids her to see him unless she can. He begins to regret this, especially when it turns out she is still helping him while he stays out of sight. Another catastrophe is coming soon: A huge earthquake devastated Tokyo completely. When his block of flats collapses, she seems to be helping him, but even her superhuman strength is not enough to save him. After telling Jiro that she now understands his feelings, she is destroyed while she saves him. Later, desperate, Jiro finds her body and spends the next 61 years rebuilding it. He finally succeeds, but dies shortly afterwards.

Further in the future (63 years later) in 2133 a girl is told by her friend that there is a cyborg on display there who looks exactly like her. She is curious and buys the now deceased cyborg to experience the memories stored on her hard drive. Fascinated, she decides to grant her wish to return to the past to meet Jiro. She is the actual girl Jiro met on his 20th birthday (November 22, 2007) because she wanted to meet him in front of the cyborg. After the events of the story, she comes back to the time when Jiro weeps over the cyborg's destroyed body. She then says, “I can feel his heart,” and decides to live with Jiro from then on and change his fate again.

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