Mystery fidei

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After the opening words Mysterium fidei the third encyclical of Pope Paul VI. designated. In it, during the Second Vatican Council, the traditional Eucharistic faith of the Catholic Church was explained and clarified anew in the context of modernity (published on September 3, 1965 ).

The term Mysterium fidei (“ Secret of Faith ”) is taken from the words of change in the Roman mass canon . The subtitle of the text is Encyclical of Pope Paul VI. on the Holy Eucharist . This encyclical was u. a. precedes two important encyclicals on the subject of liturgy and the Eucharist:

In the course of the liturgical reform, the same Pope decided in 1969 that these words, of unknown origin and in the midst of the words of change, were difficult to translate into vernacular languages, to interpret them as a call to the people. This answers with an acclamation. Since then, the German version of the Missale Romanum has read:

  • P: "Secret of Faith"
  • A: “We proclaim your death, O Lord. We praise your resurrection until you come in glory. "

The Latin version has several variants of acclamation.

In fact, each of these acclamations contains a concise commitment to the central mysteries of the Christian faith. Since the priest has spoken the words of change in persona Christi (“Do this in my (!) Memory”), the congregation answers “Christocentrically” (“Your death ...”).

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