Mirae caritatis

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The encyclical Mirae Caritatis (on the Holy Eucharist ) dates from May 28, 1902 and was written by Pope Leo XIII. released.


The central position of the sacrament of the altar in the life of the Church explains the great attention she pays to the sacrament of the Eucharist. More recently there are three great encyclicals on the Eucharist: Mirae caritatis by Leo XIII, Mediator Dei by Pius XII. and Mysterium Fidei by Paul VI. The content of these encyclicals was then incorporated into the documents of the Second Vatican Council , above all into the Lumen Gentium and Sacrosanctum Concilium constitutions .

Declaration on the Eucharist

The Church has always taught the importance and even the necessity of receiving the Eucharist, regardless of occasional confirming signs. In the sense of a necessity of commandment, and also as a necessity of means, at least in the sense of an implicit desire, the Eucharist should also be a spiritual communion. For adults it is also the means necessary to be able to remain in the state of grace for a longer period of time. This follows from the fact that the Eucharist was also given to us as food. The effects are explained by the analogy with food. There is, however, a difference - as was Pope Leo XIII. put it: “We transform food in ourselves; but this spiritual nourishment transforms us into itself ”.

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