Quod multum

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Quod multum is one of Pope Leo XIII. encyclical published on August 22, 1886 . In it he addresses the Hungarian bishops and describes the "freedom of the church".

The Liberation of Hungary and Saint Stephen

The starting point of his presentation is the liberation of Hungary in the years 1686–1687, which ended the almost 170-year tripartite division of Hungary and the Turkish occupation. Tracing back to the brilliant deeds of St. Stephen I , he praised the bravery and pride of the Hungarian people and describes the liberation of Vienna from the Turks as the defense of Islam from Europe. He recalls that Saint Stephen was elevated to the status of a saint by his predecessor Pope Gregory VII and has been the country apostle and patron saint of Hungary since that time.

About the present evil and socialism

In the next section he describes the current activity against the churches and their institutions as an evil in society . He warns against corruption and excessive wealth and reminds of the very own task of the church. From his point of view, what he calls evil is the rapid transformation of society. He is particularly against the spread of socialism , which in his consideration could become a danger to religion .

The religion in Hungary

So far, the Hungarian people have been spared the restlessness and attack of the mob, he continues, but the dangers would lead us to a new and strong Christian community. It is a serious task to maintain religion, no age or civil status should be neglected, if necessary, reprisals must also be overcome.

Catholic education of youth

The state schools would attempt to intervene in religion, but against this the vigilance and the salutary virtue of religion must remain strong. Christian education in families , in childhood and youth is of central importance. Therefore every energy had to be developed to preserve the freedom of Christian education. He describes the founder of the University of Budapest , Archbishop Cardinal Péter Pázmány , as the most generous benefactor , because he encourages students to study and has promoted Christian studies.

About the formation of the priests

He assigns the candidates for the priesthood and the bishops a special role in the freedom of Christian teaching and encourages them in their endeavors to advance sacred study. He exhorted the bishops not to let up in their duty of supervision and support of the priests and to set a special example.


  • Lexicon of the Saints (St. Stephen I of Hungary), Weltbild Publishing Group, Augsburg, 2005, ISBN 3-8289-4980-0

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