In ipso supremi

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In ipso supremi Pontificatus is an encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. which he published on March 3, 1891 . He addresses the Austrian episcopate with her and demands that the annual bishops 'conferences ( Austrian Bishops' Conference ) continue to be held. He praised the development of these meetings, which had been held for a number of years, as a step towards strengthening faith and religion .

Benefits of Episcopal Meetings

Pope Leo XIII. again in this encyclical points out what he sees as hostile developments that need to be combated. In this sense, he praises the union and unity of the bishops who can work together to eradicate “evil” and describes the benefits that can arise from this unity. But, he continues, the cooperation between the clergy and the laity is of grave importance, since families can be involved in religious work together. These aspirations could also prove useful to the nation , for Christian families would promote their cohesion.

Promotion of training

In the conferences it is possible and beneficial to work out the basic goals of religious training and education , but the training and education of the clergy can also be based on a common standard, fixed methods and teaching aids. In all these considerations, public relations should not be neglected, the Catholic writers and editors should produce effective writings that could support both religion and the state and advance in the fight against "evil".

Justice and charity

The bishops should not only look at their own activities, but they should support religion by recognizing the honorable achievements of the workers, supporting them in religion and directing their question to justice and welfare . If these demands were taken into account, he writes, this would also have positive effects on the church and society , which would have equally deserved it.

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