Au milieu des sollicitudes

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Au milieu des sollicitudes is a on February 16, 1892 by Pope Leo XIII. published encyclical . The original language was French and in it he addressed the French episcopate , the clergy and the faithful in France. It is subtitled: “ Church and State in France ”.

A political encyclical

With this encyclical the Pope tried to improve relations with France and to reform the relationship between state and church in France. He advised the French clergy to establish contacts with the government of the “ Third Republic ” without revealing his position. For this, however, it was necessary for the Pope to make concessions to the French government. With this form of " ralliement " (compare integralism ) he did not give up his position, but strengthened the position of the French bishops . With this encyclical the Pope sets out the basic features of the life of Catholics in the 3rd Republic and encourages Catholic Christians and the clergy in their actions and in their dealings with the new regime .

Exhortation and recommendation

The Pope underlines and encourages (exhorted ) all believers to stand up for the protection of the Catholic faith and to represent it with love. It encourages the citizens of France to the peaceful exploration of the representatives of the government. "The mind must rule and not violence," is the tenor of his encyclical. It is of great importance that the means available are used skillfully and from the point of view of the truth, that no harm should be done to the civilian population. He calls on Catholics to express their loyalty to the republican regime and says that the church is not bound by any form of government , recognizing the government does not mean accepting "anti-religious" legislation .

Government and parties

The Pope called on the government and the parties to a social behavior, and invites them to avoid rebellion and hatred between citizens, there should not be another civil wars are instigated. Otherwise this would throw a nation back into anarchy and chaos . Rather, respect, compliance with the law and the protection of society are now paramount. In order to fulfill all these important and most urgent tasks, he offered the rulers the efforts of the church to deal with the political differences of opinion in their homeland. But this republic is also called upon to prevent anti-Christian endeavors and to carefully ensure in its legislation that the laws are laid down in the implementation of the common nation. The well-being of a nation and public tranquility are of great importance and therefore oblige the Church to recognize the new forms of government. Leo also criticized those who subordinated everything to the triumph of their parties, even on the pretext that it seemed to them the most suitable way of suppressing religion.

Final consideration

The Pope terminated the solidarity between the monarchy and the Church and shaped a rapprochement between the Church and the Republic. He declared in his encyclical that the republic was now a permanent form of government and was looking for allies against socialism. He encouraged French Catholics to support the common endeavor and contribute to progress. Leo XIII. wrote in this encyclical that every government is good if it is only able to stand up straightforwardly for the common good and for social authority .

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