Auspicato concessum

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Auspicato concessum is an encyclical written on September 17, 1882 by Pope Leo XIII. has been published. It is subtitled “On Saint Francis of Assisi ”.

Renewal of Christian society

Peter Paul Rubens : Detail from "The Last Communion of St Francis of Assisi"

Even as Bishop of Perugia he was enthusiastic about the Franciscan Order , and now as Pope he hoped to use it to promote the renewal of Christian society . He took advantage of the 700th birthday of St. Francis (* 1182) to write the encyclical Auspicato concessum , in which he gave a passionate eulogy for the Franciscans and the " Third Order ". There was a strong admonition ( Exhortation ) to the extent of the Third Order to promote the world in every part. Recognizing that the old "Franciscan Institution" would not meet the growing demands, he decided with itInstructional letters to modify the rules of the Franciscan Order. But it was not only a question of modernization and qualification, he was also following the increase in the number of the order.

The "Third Order"

Especially Pope Leo XIII. With this encyclical promoted the Franciscan lay movement, the so-called "Third Order" or " Tertiary ", and in 1893, as announced in this encyclical, wrote a new rule that was supposed to make the Third Order a mass movement . Obviously, the Pope saw in the thus redesigned Third Order a spiritual addition to his political statements.

Strengthening the Third Order

Through this world circular and through the authoritarian abridged version of the original rules (called "Leo Rule") Pope Leo XIII. propagated the Third Order worldwide; and thereby brought about even greater dimensions, so that for decades there were several million "Tertiars" worldwide.

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