Supremi apostolatus officio

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Catholic rosary

Supremi apostolatus officio is an encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. It was published on September 1, 1883 and is subtitled "The Rosary Past and Present". In it the Pope describes the rosary as an effective spiritual tool.

Mary and the meaning of the rosary

The Pope recalls the traditional turn to Mary and explains the reason for his letter. He describes the rosary as one of the most important prayers, which has served all of Christianity for the good. It is the purity of Mary that emphasizes this peculiarity, he writes, and points out the difficulties which the Church must withstand. He put his trust not in the force of arms, but especially in the prayer of the rosary.

The feast of the Rosary

He describes the successes achieved through praying the rosary. These prayers would finally have saved Europe from subjugation and barbarism in the sixteenth century , albeit after hard struggle and great blood loss. It was then, he explains, Popes Gregory XIII. and Clemens XI. who, after the victory over the Turkish troops, prompted the proclamation of the feast of the Rosary or the introduction of the feast of the Rosary "in gratitude for the memory of the whole Church".

Intercession and healing

The spread of the rosary leads to a special devotion to Mary and the prayer helps "to reconcile the wrath of God and to implore the intercession of the most blessed virgin", he expresses. It is therefore invoked and it is appropriate these days to ask the Blessed Virgin for help in the rosary. The prayers in the rosary are what could help heal the community.

Papal instruction

Pope Leo XIII. in his teaching letter instructs the whole Catholic world that this year the feast of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary should be celebrated in a particularly festive and solemn manner. It stipulates that from October 1st to November 2nd in all parish churches "at least five decades (total of ten pieces) of the Rosary together with the Lauretanian Litany should be prayed", at the same time St. Mass offerings are celebrated or the most holy sacrament is exposed for worship.

Enlargement of the rosary

As early as December 24th, 1883 he announced with the Apostolic Letter "Salutaris Zonen" that the request: "Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!" is included in the Lauretan Litany .


All circulars issued by Our Most Holy Father Leo XIII by Divine Providence Pope. Fourth collection (1881–1885), Herder'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1904, 7–35.

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