Annum sacrum

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Pope Leo XIII. wrote the encyclical Annum sacrum ("the Holy Year") on May 25, 1899 on the occasion of the upcoming Holy Year 1900. The object of the encyclical is the veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Christ as King.


Sr. Maria of the Divine Heart of Jesus conveyed to Pope Leo XIII. the content of one of their visions , the desire of Christ to consecrate the whole world to his most sacred heart. Pope Leo XIII. responded to the wish with his encyclical on the Holy Year and consecrated the world to the Heart of Jesus on June 11, 1899. At the same time he set the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the second Friday after Corpus Christi .


With the words of welcome and opening, Leo XIII. first the work of his predecessors and explains the origin of the worship of Christ the King and the Sacred Heart of Jesus . Leo XIII. declares that it was Jesus Christ himself, not the apostles or disciples , who called himself King . In the New Testament it says in the Gospel of John ( Joh 18,37  EU ) Pilate said to him: So you are a king after all? Jesus answered: You say I am a king. I was born for this and came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is from the truth listens to my voice. This statement of Jesus is reinforced in the Gospel of Matthew ( Mt 28:18  EU ), in which it says: There Jesus came up to them and said to them: All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. At the core of his encyclical, Leo XIII. thus the ground for the introduction of the feast of Christ the King. Christ the King Sunday goes to an encyclical of Pius XI. back.

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