Quod auctoritate

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Quod auctoritate is one of Pope Leo XIII. encyclical published on December 22, 1885 . It has the subtitle: "The proclamation of an extraordinary holy year" (see main article: Holy year ).

Proclamation of a Holy Year

“Due to his apostolic authority” (Quod auctoritate ...) the Pope felt compelled to designate the coming year as an extraordinary holy year. In doing so, he refers to his predecessors and the anniversary years that they proclaimed.

This year the social and religious decline should be countered. General morality threatened to break and it was his and the church's task to counter this evil. The purpose of the holy jubilee is to save hearts only and serve not only the individual but all nations.

The Holy Year and the Rosary

As already described in several rosary cycles, this year the connection to the Holy Mother of God, Mary , should be strengthened through the rosary prayer ; to this he calls upon all believers. He emphatically repeats his exhortations , not to surrender, and to seek the help of the Blessed Virgin.


The Pope makes the following regulations:

  • All residents of Rome must complete two visits to the Vatican or the Lateran ,
  • In addition, all believers must observe a two-day fasting period , they must make confession and receive communion ,
  • an appropriate donation is requested,
  • For those living outside Rome, two visits to three churches determined by the regional bishops are required, otherwise the aforementioned rules apply accordingly,
  • Seafarers and travelers fulfill their task if they visit their main or parish church six times and comply with the aforementioned rules.

With the observance of these orders, a great indulgence was announced. In the final part, he again asks the help of the Virgin Mary and again asks to pray the rosary.

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