Quamquam pluries

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The encyclical Quamquam pluries (August 15, 1889) on the protection and assistance of St. Joseph in union with the virgin Theotokos was born by Pope Leo XIII. released.

Reason for the encyclical

The St. Joseph , even with the addition of the carpenter, applies in the New Testament of the Bible first as a fiance and then as husband of Mary , mother of Jesus.

Adoration of St. Joseph

Guido Reni : Saint Joseph, 1640–1642 (typical representation of the Baroque period)

Pope Sixtus IV introduced the feast of St. Joseph into the breviary and the Roman Missal in 1481; Pope Gregory XV made it a mandatory holiday for the whole Church in 1621. Pope Clement X raised the rank of the festival in 1670; In 1714 Pope Clement XI enriched the the feast with its own Mass form and Office and Pope Benedict XIII. added the name of the saint to the All Saints litany. In 1847 Pius IX extended the protective feast of St. Joseph, granted to some dioceses or certain religious orders, extends to the whole church. In response to innumerable requests from all over the Christian world, he solemnly proclaimed St. Joseph to be the patron of the entire church on December 8, 1870.

The theological question

The theologians at the end of the 19th century wondered why St. Joseph was given the mandate as patron to protect the church from the misery of the times. The Pope gave a clear answer to this in his encyclical.


Pius XII. introduced in 1955 as a church counterpart to the world-wide celebrated Labor Day (May 1st) the commemoration day "Joseph the Worker", who according to the Bible worked as a tekton (building craftsman) and is traditionally the patron of workers, especially carpenters and woodcutters. Saint Joseph was born by the blessed Pope John XXIII. elected alongside the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mother of God as the special patron saint of the 2nd Vatican Council . Pope John Paul II recalled this justification to families, spouses and all Christians in his apostolic letter "Redemptoris custos" and referred to the assistance and intercession of St. Joseph.

Papal Orders

After the appreciation and renewed confirmation of the life and work of St. Joseph of Nazareth, he makes two orders:

  1. The invocation (after the prayer of the rosary ) of St. Joseph is ordered for the whole month of October and thus, if all applicable rules are observed, an indulgence is announced.
  2. The feast of St. Joseph is set annually on March 19th.

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