Julius Findeisen

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Julius Findeisen (born June 3, 1809 in Leipzig , † March 13, 1879 in Vienna ) was a playwright and actor.


Findisen made his debut as an actor in 1826 and in the same year went to the Bethmann Society , which he later directed himself. He played on larger and smaller stages until he was engaged at the Königsstädtisches Theater in Berlin in 1840 .

In 1842 he came to Vienna to the director Carl Carl , in 1850 to the Theater an der Wien , then took a position as a material manager at the Vienna City Theater and, after he resigned from this position, gave dramatic lessons. Most recently he was artistic advisor to the Ringtheater . A gifted actor in the comic character field, Findeisen was even more skilled than a playwright. Some of his antics became popular with the music of Adolf Müller senior . Findeisen's later stage works point to the renewed, less farcical folk play by Ludwig Anzengruber .


  • Fanny, the crazy nut
  • How to do it, that's how it works
  • The Schuster-Michel
  • The sin of youth
  • Public opinion, 1861
