Zuni mythology

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The Zuñi are a tribe of the Pueblo Indians from the southwest of America . According to their legend of the origins of the world, the first humans came from underground caves , whereas the world was criss-crossed by vast amounts of water and populated by monsters . The holy children of the sun , however, took pity on people and dried up the earth with their heat so that people could populate the earth.

The Zuni mythology focuses on the gods of nature who influenced agriculture , weather and human health . Many evil spirits brought death and disease , while others brought back good harvests , health, and good weather. In contrast to many other mythologies, insects and birds are very common as beings that bring good or bad news .

The Zuni also came into contact with Christianity , which has had a lasting influence on the Zuni mythology, so you can often find the Christian cross , which the Zuni have reinterpreted as a dragonfly , on Zuni jewelry .
