Northern spider monkey

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Northern spider monkey
Brachyteles hypoxanthus2.jpg

Northern spider monkey ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus )

Subordination : Dry- nosed primates (Haplorrhini)
Partial order : Monkey (anthropoidea)
without rank: New World Monkey (Platyrrhini)
Family : Spike-tailed monkeys (Atelidae)
Genre : Spider monkey ( Brachyteles )
Type : Northern spider monkey
Scientific name
Brachyteles hypoxanthus
( Kuhl , 1820)

The Northern spider monkey ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus ) is a primate of the family of atelidae (Atelidae): He lives in southeastern Brazil and is threatened with extinction.


Northern spider monkeys, along with southern spider monkeys, are the largest New World monkeys . They reach a head body length of 50 to 78 centimeters, plus a 65 to 80 centimeter long tail. Males are 12 to 15 kilograms heavier than females, which reach 9.5 to 11 kilograms. Their short fur is colored yellow-gray, the long tail is designed as a prehensile tail and hairless on the underside of the tip. Arms and legs are long and slender, unlike their southern relatives, the thumb is small but present.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area of ​​the northern spider monkey

Northern spider monkeys inhabit the - now much smaller - forests on the Atlantic coast of the Brazilian states of Bahia , Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo . Their habitat are moist rainforests , where they occur up to an altitude of 1000 meters.

Way of life

These primates are diurnal tree dwellers who prefer to stay in the upper crown area. They often move on all fours, but often suspensively - swinging by their arms or hanging by their tails.

They live together in groups made up of several males and females. The group size is variable, larger groups often split up into smaller subgroups for the daily search for food. The behavior of the group members among one another is very peaceful and hardly marked by aggression. The range of a group covers 70 to 170 hectares .

Northern spider monkeys are herbivores that feed on leaves (around 50% of the diet), fruits (30%) and other plant material.


The reproductive behavior is promiscuous , males and females mate with as many animals as possible. After a gestation period of seven to eight months, the female usually gives birth to a single young animal, which is weaned after two years. When sexual maturity occurs, males remain in the birth group, while the females have to leave it at this point (at the age of 5 to 7 years).


Northern spider monkeys are among the most threatened primates in South America. Their habitat has been greatly reduced and fragmented by advanced deforestation and heavy settlement. Today there are still around 12 populations with a total of 300 to 800 animals depending on the source. According to the IUCN , the species is “ critically endangered ” and even ranks among the 100 most critically endangered species.


Web links

Commons : Northern spider monkey ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. IUCN information sheet on the 100 most critically endangered species, engl.