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As a postscript , slander , closing speech , closing remarks or epilogue (Greek. Επίλογος Epilogos with epi , then, adjusted 'and logos , the word') refers to closing remarks at the end of a literary or rhetorical work. The epilogue can also appear at the end of a single chapter.

As the foreword (Prolog) is the epilogue within the meaning of the conduct word in a lecture or a book as an aid to understanding, interpretation , explanation of the intention or dedication . The closing words are particularly common in dramatic works and are usually intended to express the poet's thoughts or answer questions that have remained open in the book or play, or give “the moral of the story”.

The term epilogue is used in a different sense, when one understands by it the versed speech which, caused not by the play itself but by some external cause, is addressed to the audience after the end of a play, i.e. as an extempore . In this sense, Goethe called his poem in honor of his deceased friend Schiller an epilogue to Schiller's bell .

The epilogue as an afterword is to be distinguished from the aftermath as a literary form in the drama, which is an incoherently added edifying small work and originally serves as a pastime to leave the theater after the end of the drama.

The end credits for films are similar to the epilogue .

See also

  • Addendum , to other forms accompanying the work


  1. Epilogue . In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon . 4th edition. Volume 5, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1885–1892, p. 702.
  2. https://www.projekt-gutenberg.org/goethe/gedichte/chap475.html