Nancy de Grummond

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Nancy Thomson de Grummond: An Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archeology . 2 volumes (1996)

Nancy Thomson de Grummond (*  1940 ) is an American classical philologist and archaeologist specializing in etruscology . Nancy de Grummond is a leading authority on Etruscan religion .

life and work

Nancy de Grummond became interested in Etruscan bronze mirrors early on, so her first publication, A Guide to Etruscan Mirrors , dealt with this specialty. A handbook on the culture of the Etruscans and an encyclopedia on the history of classical archeology followed. Further areas of specialization in her research activities were Etruscan religion and mythology with corresponding publications. In 2007 she made a contribution to the Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum for Great Britain , an international research project for the publication of all preserved Etruscan bronze mirrors.

Her scientific work is complemented by her special teaching work. She has been participating in excavations in Cetamura in Tuscany since 1983 and, with the permission and support of the Italian government, regularly teaches on site in a six-week summer course. The students can gain experience and knowledge in archeology through teaching excavations and lectures.

She is now Professor of Classical Studies at Florida State University in Tallahassee .

Publications (selection)

Web links