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Narcisa is a feminine given name .

Origin and meaning

The name is the feminine Italian , Spanish , Portuguese and Romanian forms of Narcissus .

This name in turn is the Latinized form of the Greek Ναρκισσος (Narkissos); possibly derived from ναρκη (narke), which means sleep, numbness / numbness . Narcissus was a beautiful adolescent in Greek mythology who stared at his own reflection in the mirror until he eventually died and was turned into a daffodil flower.

This name appears briefly in the letters of the New Testament and was also borne by some early saints , including a 2nd century patriarch of Jerusalem . It has been used mostly in Catholic areas to this day, usually in honor of the saint as opposed to its mythological character.

Well-known namesake

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mike Campbell: Meaning, origin and history of the name Narcisa. Retrieved May 19, 2019 .
  2. ^ Mike Campbell: Meaning, origin and history of the name Narcissus. Retrieved May 19, 2019 .