Narodni dom

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The burned out Narodni Cathedral

The Narodni dom in Trieste (Italian Casa del Popolo or Casa nazionale ) was the people's house and cultural center of the Slovene population in the city, which at that time belonged to Austria-Hungary . Since 1907 it has been in a palace built between 1901 and 1904 according to the plans of Max Fabiani on Piazza Caserma (today's Piazza Oberdan ). The building complex housed various Slovenian facilities, including a theater, a library, a bank and the Hotel Balkan . After Trieste was annexed to Italy in 1918 and the associated forced Italianization of the resident Slavic population, there were repeated violent riots between Italians and Slavic ethnic groups. On July 13, 1920, the Narodni Dom, one of the national symbols of the Slovenes in Trieste, was burned down by Italian fascists . The attack was initiated by the later secretary of the National Fascist Party ( Partito Nazionale Fascista ) Francesco Giunta and was seen as a reprisal after two Italian soldiers were shot by Yugoslav security forces during riots in Split . The arson attack was also subsequently used by fascism as a “cleaning” measure, i. H. ethnic cleansing of the Friulian border region, exploited for propaganda purposes.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Wörsdörfer: Adriatic crisis hot spot 1915–1955 . Ferdinand Schöningh Publisher: Paderborn 2004, p. 81.
  2. Anna Maria Vinci: Il fascismo al confine orientale. Appunti e considerazioni . In: Giorgio Mezzalira, Hannes Obermair u. a. (Ed.): Fascism on the borders - Il fascismo di confine (=  history and region / Storia e regione 20, 2011, no. 1 ). StudienVerlag, Vienna-Innsbruck-Bozen 2012, ISBN 978-3-7065-5069-7 , p. 21–39, here: p. 28 .

Coordinates: 45 ° 39 ′ 14 "  N , 13 ° 46 ′ 34"  E