Natale Abbadia

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Natale Abbadia (born March 11, 1792 in Genoa , † December 25, 1861 in Milan ) was an Italian composer and singing teacher . He composed church music and operas.

Musical career

Abbadia was passionately interested in music from childhood. He took four years of music and singing lessons from the composer and music teacher Pietro Raimondi . Then he studied in Genoa with Luigi Cerro . At the age of 12 he was an accomplished harpsichord player. Not only did he acquire the ability to express himself strongly, but he also learned the rules of counterpoint. From 1831 to 1837 he worked as a choirmaster at the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa and then gave singing lessons in Milan. He was also the main teacher of his daughter Luigia , born in 1821, who subsequently embarked on a career as a successful opera singer .


At the age of 20, Abbadia composed the three-act opera seria La Giannina di Pontieu, ossia La villanella d'onore and, in the same year, the one-act opera buffa L'imbroglione ed il castigamatti and in 1825 die at the Teatro di Sant'Agostino Cantata Ettore e Andromaca . A Missa a tre voci ( Mass for three voices), a Missa a quatro voci (Mass for 4 voices) with orchestral accompaniment and a Vespers are pieces of church music for young people that he had composed before 1812. He composed other vespers and motets . Four works are cataloged in the “ Catalogo nazionale dei manoscritti musicali redatti fino al 1900 ” of the Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense : Ave maris stella in G major for three sopranos and organ, Tantum ergo E major for two sopranos and organ, Versetti for organ and Il Natale di Genova , cantata for 2 tenors, bass, choir and orchestra in G major.


  • Carlo Gervasone: Abbadia; Natale . In: Nuova teoria di musica ricavata dall 'odierna pratica, ossia, Metodo sicuro e facile in pratica per ben apprendere la musica: a cui si fanno precedere varie notizie storico-musicali . Volume 1, Parma, Stamperia Blanchon, 1812
  • Meline, Cans et C: ABADIA (Natale). In: Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie generale de la musique , 1837
  • François-Joseph Fétis : Abbadia, Natale. In: Biography universelle des musiciens . 2nd edition, Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1866–1868
  • Carlo Schmidl: Abbadia, Natale . In: Enciclopedia Italiana , 1929
  • Bianca Maria Antolini: Abbadia, Natale . In: The music in the past and present (MGG). 2nd Edition. Person Teil, Vol. 1 (1999), Col. 13.

Web links


  1. ^ A b c Carlo Schmidl: Abbadia, Natale . In: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana (ed.): Enciclopedia Italiana . (Italian, ).
  2. ^ A b c d François-Joseph Fétis (1784-1871): Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique. [vol. 1] / par F.-J. Fétis, ... ( [accessed February 12, 2017]).
  3. ^ A b c d e Carlo Gervasone: Abbadia, Natale . In: Nuova teoria di musica ricavata dall 'odierna pratica, ossia, Metodo sicuro e facile in pratica per ben apprendere la musica: a cui si fanno precedere varie notizie storico-musicali . tape 1 . Stamperia Blanchon, Parma 1812, OCLC 11358692 (Italian, ).
  4. Meline, Cans et C .: ABADIA (Natale) . In: Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie generale de la musique . tape 1 , 1837 (French, ).
  5. Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense - Milan - Italy: Ufficio Ricerca Fondi Musicali - Home Page. Retrieved March 5, 2017 (Italian).