National Collection of Aerial Photography

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National Collection of Aerial Photography
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Aerial photo archive
languages English
operator Historic Environment Scotland

The National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) is an aerial photography archive owned by the Scottish Government . It contains over 26 million approved aerial images from around the world, outside of England , Northern Ireland and Wales , including approximately 1.6 million aerial images from Scotland . This makes the archive one of the largest collections of aerial photographs in the world. The holdings can be viewed on the homepage and in the Edinburgh office . The NCAP is financed through commercially available services and has been operated by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) since 2015 .


The archive is mainly used by bomb disposal experts to find duds . It is also used to a lesser extent by historians , environmental scientists, and archaeologists .


After the end of World War II , millions of aerial photographs from reconnaissance flights had accumulated. The possibility of peaceful use for teaching and research purposes was quickly recognized. At the instigation of geography professor Stanley Beaver , after talks with the Air Ministry, 5.5 million aerial photos of Western Europe were brought from the RAF base Medmenham to the University College of North Staffordshire and collected in the Keele Air Photo Library in the early 1960s . This collection, later renamed The Aerial Reconaissance Archives (TARA), became the official archive for aerial photographs released by the United Kingdom Government. In 2004, the Department of Defense again released millions of images from the Second World War to the Cold War .

As part of Operation Revue , the RAF took over 280,000 aerial photographs from across the kingdom for the Ordnance Survey in the late 1940s . The pictures were intended to support planning and reconstruction in the post-war period . The photographs were collected by the Scottish Office in the specially founded Air Photograph Library in Edinburgh. In the 1960s the library was renamed the Scottish Office Air Photographs Unit (APU). Acquisitions of aerial photographs from the Ordnance Survey and the Department of Defense increased the holdings significantly. The APU also maintained the Central Register of Air Photographs for Scotland (CRAPS), a directory of all known aerial photographs in the country. In 1993 the APU was handed over to the RCAHMS.

In 2008, TARA was finally transferred to the RCAHMS, merged with the APU and renamed the National Collection of Aerial Photography today .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NCAP. In: Historic Environment Scotland . Retrieved March 7, 2017 .
  2. ^ National Collection of Aerial Photography. In: Archives Hub. Retrieved March 7, 2017 .
  3. Our Work. In: NCAP. Retrieved March 7, 2017 .
  4. a b c d History of the Collection. In: NCAP. Retrieved March 7, 2017 .
  5. ^ A b David C. Cowley, Lesley M. Ferguson, Allan Williams: The Aerial Reconnaissance Archives: A Global Aerial Photographic Collection . In: William S. Hanson, Ioana A. Oltean (Eds.): Archeology from Historical Aerial and Satellite Archives . Springer , New York 2013, ISBN 978-1-4614-4504-3 , pp. 13-30 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-1-4614-4505-0_2 .