Filigosa necropolis

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Filigosa necropolis
Type series of Sardinian-Corsican monuments

The necropolis of Filigosa is located on the northern outskirts of Macomer in the province of Nuoro in Sardinia . It was not named after one of the cultures of Abealzu-Filigosa . The necropolis consists of four Domus de Janas , which were cut into the tuff slope below the Nuraghe Ruju (also Ruggiu) with about 10 m long dromoi .

During the excavation by E. Contu in 1965 , traces of the Copper Age Filigosa culture , which dates from 2900 to 2700 BC , were found in rock tombs that were otherwise created by the Ozieri culture (from 3500 BC) . Is dated. A second excavation, carried out by Alba Foschi, took place in the 1980s. The simple, rarely decorated ceramics and almost exclusively excarnated bones and existing finds from the necropolis contributed to the understanding of the short transition phase in the Sardinian prehistory.


Three plants are parallel on the middle slope, while the fourth is slightly above. The large chambers have frontal entrances to two (grave III) to eight (grave I) side chambers. On the floor, centrally located, there is a raised ring (0.97 m in diameter) that marks a fireplace. There are usually two entrances to the secondary chambers on the rear wall.

Nuraghe Ruju

The half-collapsed, as it were halved Nuraghe Ruggiu (or Ruju) shows the cantilever vault construction as on an elevation model, which gives an insight into the construction of the tholos .

See also


  • E. Contu: Notes, In: Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, XX, 1965, pp. 377-379;
  • A. Moravetti: Relazione preliminare sui monumenti archeologici dei comuni di Birori, Borore, Bortigali, Macomer e Sindia, Macomer, 1973;
  • V. Santoni: Nota preliminare sulla tipologia delle grotticelle artificiali funerarie in Sardegna , In: Archivio Storico Sardo, 30, 1976, pp. 3-49;
  • A. Foschi, La Tomba I di Filigosa (Macomer) , In: Atti della XXII Riunione dell'Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, 1980, pp. 289-293;
  • A. Foschi, Macomer (Nuoro), Località Filigosa , In: I Sardi. La Sardegna dal paleolitico all'età dei nuraghi, a cura di E. Anati, Milano, Jaca Book, 1984, pp. 203-204;
  • A. Foschi Nieddu: La tomba I di Filigosa (Macomer-Nuoro). Alcune considerazioni sulla cultura di Abealzu-Filigosa nel contesto eneolitico della Sardegna, Nuoro, Coop. grafica nuorese, 1986;
  • A. Moravetti, Ricerche archeologiche nel Marghine Planargia, collana In: "Sardegna Archeologica. Studi e Monumenti", 5 / I, Sassari, Carlo Delfino, 1998, pp. 91-97.

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Coordinates: 40 ° 16 ′ 41 ″  N , 8 ° 46 ′ 9 ″  E