New York Herald

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Front page of the New York Herald on the sinking of the Titanic

The New York Herald was a high-circulation newspaper based in New York City that existed from 1835 and 1924.

The first edition appeared on May 6, 1835 and was edited by James Gordon Bennett senior . By 1845 it had become the most popular and profitable daily newspaper in the United States. The newspaper reported on August 19, 1848 about the gold discoveries in the west. A gold rush is developing.

Under his son James Gordon Bennett Jr. , the Henry Morton newspaper funded Stanley's expedition to Africa to find David Livingstone . In 1879 the New York Herald supported George W. DeLong's ill-starred expedition to the Arctic .

On October 4, 1887, Bennett Jr. started the European edition of the New York Herald in Paris . After Benett's death, the New York Herald went on in 1922 in the rival New York Tribune . 1959 was the New York Herald Tribune and its European edition of John Hay Whitney sold, the then US - Ambassador in the UK was. In 1966, the New York Edition ceased to be published and The Washington Post and The New York Times jointly took control of the Paris Edition, which was renamed the International Herald Tribune . After the New York Times acquired 100% of the shares in 2002, the Herald continues to be a major and influential English language newspaper, printed in 26 locations worldwide and sold in more than 180 countries.

New York's Herald Square was named after the New York Herald . After a few theaters were located there for some time, it is now known as the location of the Macy’s department store. On the north side of the square is a memorial in honor of the Bennetts.


  • Richard Kluger: The Paper. The Life and Death of the New York Herald Tribune. Knopf, New York NY 1986, ISBN 0-394-50877-7 .

Web link

Commons : The New York Herald  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. James Crouthamel: Bennett's New York Herald and the Rise of the Popular Press . Syracuse University Press , 1989: “The finished four-page Herald with its circulation of twelve thousand as in 1845 the most popular and profitable daily newspaper in the United States. Its niche was so secure that its success seemed almost inevitable. But Bennett was fifty years old, and his success had come very late, after many years of apparent failure. ... "
  2. ^ Doreen Carvajal (June 24, 2008). "The Times and IHT Study Web Merger". The New York Times.