Newton de Andrade Cavalcanti

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Newton de Andrade Cavalcanti (born October 25, 1885 in Palmeira dos Indios , Alagoas , † November 25, 1965 ) was a Brazilian general .


Andrade Cavalcanti completed an officer training in the army ( Exército Brasileiro ) of the armed forces (Forças Armadas do Brasil) and subsequently found various posts as an officer and staff officer. He was from April 6, 1931 to February 24, 1933 head of the military center for physical training (Centro de Educação Física do Exército Brasileiro) and was promoted there on October 15, 1931 to lieutenant colonel. Shortly after his promotion to colonel on February 10, 1933, he became commander of the 9th Military Region (9th Região Militar) in 1933 and remained in this position until 1935. From May 7 to July 20, 1935, he was acting director of the military budget of President Getúlio Vargas . He took over on November 7, 1935 from Ari Parreiras the post of acting governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro , but was replaced five days later in this post by the previous Minister of the Navy Protógenes Guimarães . He then became commander of the 1st regiment in 1935 and as such was promoted to brigadier general on November 28, 1935 .

After that, Andrade Cavalcanti was first commander of the 1st Brigade in 1937 and was then commander of the 4th Brigade from March 17 to June 12, 1937. After his promotion to major general on March 13, 1942, he was commander of the 4th military region (4th Região Militar) until November 20, 1942 . After that he was between 20 November 1942 and January 1943 inspector general of the first group of military regions and January-February 1943 only commander of the 5th Military Region (5.ª Região Militar) before between 16 February 1943 he and the 24 June 1944 was commander of the 7th Military Region (7.ª Região Militar) . From January 2, 1945 to April 3, 1946, he was the first commander-in-chief of the Military Command South CMS (Comando Militar do Sul) . In 1946 he served briefly as acting minister of war and was promoted to general on September 26, 1946 . He later acted from 1949 to January 1951 as head of the military cabinet of President Eurico Gaspar Dutra and most recently between May 14 and October 22, 1951 again as commander in chief of the military command South CMS (Comando Militar do Sul) .

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Individual evidence

  1. Rio de Janeiro: Governors
  2. ^ Comando Militar do Sul: Commandantes
  3. ^ Comando Militar do Sul: Commandantes