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Coasta Rica Kolumbien Provinz Bocas del Toro Ngöbe-Buglé Provinz Chiriquí Provinz Veraguas Provinz Los Santos Provinz Herrera Provinz Coclé Provinz Colón Guna Yala Kuna de Wargandí Emberá-Wounaan (Territorium) Emberá-Wounaan (Territorium) Kuna de Madugandí Provinz Darién Provinz Panamá Oeste Provinz PanamáNgobe-Bugle in Panama.svg
About this picture
Location of Ngöbe-Buglé in Panamá
Capital Chichica
population 121,000
surface 6,673 km²
Population density 18 people / km²
structure 7th
ISO 3166-2 PA-NB

Ngöbe-Buglé is one of five indigenous territories in Panama .

The territory was formed in 1997 from parts of the provinces of Bocas del Toro , Chiriquí and Veraguas . It now has the de facto status of a province and is therefore in the highest administrative division in Panama.

Ngöbe-Buglé has poor infrastructure and is difficult to access.

The territory is divided into seven districts ( distritos ) with a total of 58 municipalities ( corregimientos ):

District (capital)

  1. Besiko (Soloy)
  2. Kankintú (Bisira)
  3. Kusapín (Kusapín)
  4. Mirono (Hato Pilón)
  5. Müna ( Chichica )
  6. Nole Duima (Cerro Iglesias)
  7. Ñürüm (Buenos Aires)


Ngöbe-Buglé is inhabited by the Ngöbe ( Ngäbe ) and Buglé ( Guaymí ) peoples . They speak the languages Ngäbere and Buglere . The majority of the Ngöbe live in small communities or villages from growing maize, cassava, bananas, peaches, palms and other fruits. During the coffee harvest, many men are on the road as migrant workers. The women are known for their weaving skills.

Coordinates: 8 ° 46 ′  N , 81 ° 44 ′  W