Nichioh Maru

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Nichio Maru p1
Ship data
flag JapanJapan Japan
Ship type Ro-Ro ship
Callsign JD3267
home port Tokyo
Owner Hokusei Kaiun Co.
Shipyard Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co.
Build number 5677
Keel laying May 31, 2011
Launch September 7, 2011
Ship dimensions and crew
169.98 m ( Lüa )
width 26.00 m
Draft Max. 8.10 m
Machine system
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
13,000 kW (17,675 hp)
21 kn (39 km / h)
Transport capacities
Load capacity 7200 dw
Vehicle capacity 1380 cars
Classifications Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK)
IMO no. 9609184

The Nichioh Maru is an environmentally friendly RoRo ship built in 2011/2012 . It flies the flag of Japan for the Nitto Kaiun Group and transports Nissan vehicles from Japan to Canada.


The Nichioh Maru was on the shipyard Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co. under the hull number built 5677th The keel was laid on May 31st, the launch on September 7th, 2011. The ship was completed on January 23, 2012.

Technical specifications

A low- speed cross-head two- stroke diesel engine of the type MAN B&W 8S50ME-C8 with a nominal output of 13,000  kW serves as the drive. The ship thus reaches a speed of 21  knots .


The ship was built to be particularly environmentally friendly and features solar cells with a nominal output of 50 kW on deck and LED lighting in the hold and in the work and living areas. In addition, a friction-reducing paint was used to paint the hull. All of these measures serve to reduce fuel consumption and thus CO 2 emissions.

See also

Web links