Nicolai Edinger Ball

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Nikolei Edinger Ball

Nicolai Edinger Balle (born October 12, 1744 island of Lolland , † October 19, 1816 ) was a Danish Lutheran theologian and bishop .


Nicolai Edinger Balle was the son of Søren Pedersen Balle (1715–1758) and Margrethe Dorothea Mundt (1719–1762). After studying, among other things with Johann Salomo Semler in Halle , he became country pastor in Jutland in 1770 and in 1772 accepted a position as fourth professor of theology at the University of Copenhagen . Two years later he was made court preacher and Dr. theol. appointed. After the death of his first wife Frederikke Severine Grundtvig, an aunt of Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig , in 1782 he married Johanne Frederikke Harboe (* 1756), a daughter of Bishop Ludvig Harboe . In the same year he was placed at his father-in-law's side as an assistant and after his death in 1783 he took over the office of Bishop of Zealand and Primate of the Danish Church . With new editions of the catechism (1791) and the hymn book (1798) he worked in the spirit of Enlightenment theology , even if he opposed the more radical efforts of Christian Bastholm . In 1808 he retired. His great-grandson and namesake was the Greenland missionary Nikolaj Edinger Balle (1839–1900).


  • Theses theologicae (Copenhagen 1776)
  • Religious textbook (1791)


Web links

Commons : Nicolai Edinger Balle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files