Nicolas-Hubert Mongault

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Nicolas-Hubert Mongault (also: Abbé Mongault ; * October 6, 1674 in Paris ; † August 11, 1746 ibid) was a French oratorian , commendate abbot , translator and member of the Académie française .

life and work

Nicolas-Hubert Mongault was the illegitimate child of Gilbert Colbert de Saint-Pouange (1642–1706) from the Colbert family . He attended the Collège du Plessis as a student of Charles Rollin , then he moved to the Collège d'Harcourt . In 1691 he joined the Oratorians and was sent to Le Mans to study. When he was appointed teacher in Vendôme in 1697 , his health proved too weak and he resigned from the oratorio in 1699.

His uncle, Jean-Baptiste-Michel Colbert de Saint-Pouange (1640-1710), Bishop of Toulouse , brought him to Toulouse . There he translated the historical work of Herodian from ancient Greek and began to translate Cicero's letters to Atticus . Then Nicolas-Joseph Foucault brought him in contact with the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres , of which he became an associate member in 1711. In the same year he became the tutor of Louis I de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans . After completing his translation of Cicero in six volumes, he was appointed Commendatar Abbot of the Chartreuve Abbey in Chéry-Chartreuve in 1714 , and in 1719 also Abbot of Villeneuve Monastery . As a frequent guest in the salon of Madame de Lambert , the Académie française elected him in 1718 to the seat no. 19th

He died in 1746 at the age of 71 from gallstones from which he had long suffered. Its translations were postponed until the 19th century.

Works (selection)

  • (Translator) Histoire d'Hérodien , traduite du grec en françois, avec des remarques sur la traduction. Vve C. Barbin, Paris 1700, 1712, 1745, 1784, 1836.
  • (Translator) Lettres de Cicéron à Atticus , avec des remarques. 6 vols. Paris 1714, 1738, 1773, 1802.


  • "Eloge de M. l'Abbé Mongault". In: Histoire de l'Académie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres . Vol. 18. 1753, pp. 447-457. [1]

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