Nicolaus von Borstel

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Nicolaus von Borstel (born November 17, 1885 in Stade ; † November 5, 1963 there ) was a German politician ( SPD ). From 1947 to 1959 he was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament .


The trained carpenter from Borstel had been a member of the Free Trade Union since 1905. He did his military service between 1906 and 1908. He became a member of the SPD in 1910 and was chairman of the Lower Elbe district in the SPD for a period of ten years.

From 1914 he was chairman of the Stade local committee of the union cartel and from 1915 a participant in the war. After the end of the First World War he became managing director of the Stade consumer association in 1919 . Later he was a member of the Stade Citizenship Board.

Von Borstel was a member of the Hanover Provincial Parliament from 1919 to 1933 . In 1924 he was made an honorary senator in Stade and was a district committee member from 1926 to 1929 . From 1926 he was managing director of the general local health insurance fund . In 1929 he was appointed to the provincial government and from 1929 to 1933 he was a paid senator and deputy mayor in Peine .

After the beginning of the Nazi dictatorship , von Borstel was released in 1933 for "political unreliability" and briefly taken into " protective custody ". He was unemployed between 1933 and 1934, then from 1934 to 1938 head of a branded milk distribution center.

Between 1938 and 1939 he was again unemployed and in September 1939 he was employed by the Stade tax office. In 1944 he was imprisoned again. Due to his incapacity to detain, he was released from the Farge labor education camp . In February 1945 he was briefly arrested again.

After the end of the Second World War , he became head of the Stadtwerke Stade. In 1946 he was elected district administrator for the Stade district. Von Borstel was a member of the appointed Hanover state parliament from August 23, 1946 to October 29, 1946, where he was chairman of the committee for internal administration. From December 9, 1946 to March 28, 1947 he was a member of the Appointed Lower Saxony State Parliament .

Von Borstel was an elected member of the Lower Saxony state parliament in the 1st to 3rd electoral period from April 20, 1947 to May 5, 1959.


  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 47.