Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimov

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Nikolai Evdokimov

Count Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimow ( Russian: Николай Иванович Евдокимов ; * 1804 in Naurskaja ; † 23 May July / 4 June  1873 greg. In Pyatigorsk ) was a Russian general .


Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimov came from a modest background. His father was a fireworker in the Terek Cossack - Stanitsa Naurskaya. Nikolai Ivanovich Evdokimov joined the army early , fought under General Yermolov in the Caucasus and stood out particularly in the battles against Imam Shamil . Through important successes, such as the victory at Aul Ismail in 1858, Evdokimov succeeded in April 1859 in bringing Shamil's residence, Vedeno , under his control. Shamil initially managed to escape to the mountain village of Gunib . On August 25, 1859, he surrendered to the overwhelming Russian forces there, which resulted in the subjugation of the northeastern Caucasus. Evdokimov was for the count conditions raised and adjutant general of the Emperor Alexander II. Appointed.

In 1861 he was tasked with forcing the Circassian tribes of the northwestern Caucasus into submission. In the three-year war he narrowed it more and more until he took the last fortress of Vardan on April 28, 1864 . The Circassian tribes only had the choice between submission or emigration to Turkey . The majority chose the latter, the rest were transferred to the Kuban area and their former area assigned to Russian settlers. After the end of the war he went to Tbilisi , where he stood by the governor of the Caucasus, Grand Duke Michael. He spent the last part of his life in Pyatigorsk after he retired in 1870.