Nikolai Jakowlewitsch Afanassjew

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Nikolai Jakowlewitsch Afanassjew

Nikolay Afanasyev ( Russian Николай Яковлевич Афанасьев * December 31, 1820 . Jul / 12. January  1821 greg. In Tobolsk , † May 22 jul. / 3. June  1898 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian violin virtuoso and composer .

life and work

Afanassjew was a violinist at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow from 1838 to 1841 and an opera conductor in Wiska until 1846 . From 1851 he was conductor of the Italian Opera in Saint Petersburg, from 1853 piano teacher at the Smolny Institute .

Afanassjew published the first large collection of Russian folk music . He composed several operas, a cantata, 6 symphonies, 9 violin concertos, numerous pieces for violin and piano, 12 string quartets and other chamber music, piano pieces and songs .

Works (selection):

  • Ammalat-bek , opera (1870)
  • Stenka Rasin , opera
  • The blacksmith Vakula , opera based on Nikolai Gogol (1875)
  • Taras Bulba , opera based on Gogol
  • Kalevig , opera


  • Maria Lobanova, Michael Goldstein:  Afanas'ev, Nikolaj Jakovlevič. In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, personal section, volume 1 (Aagard - Baez). Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 1999, ISBN 3-7618-1111-X  ( online edition , subscription required for full access)
  • Wilibald Gurlitt , Carl Dahlhaus (editor): Riemann Musik-Lexikon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Afanassiev, Nikolaj Jakowlewitsch. 12th completely revised edition. 1. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1959, p. 10 (first edition: 1882).
  • Wilibald Gurlitt, Carl Dahlhaus (editor): Riemann Musik-Lexikon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Afanassiev, Nikolaj Jakowlewitsch. 12th completely revised edition. 4. Supplementary volume, personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1972, p. 8 (first edition: 1882).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Jennifer Spencer:  Afanas′yev, Nikolay Yakovlevich. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).