Nikolaus Koch Foundation

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The Nikolaus Koch Foundation is a foundation under civil law with legal capacity.


Luise Koch, widow of the Trier publisher Nikolaus Koch , founded the foundation in 1993 at the request of her deceased husband. He had not succeeded in implementing this project during his lifetime. Luise Koch put the newly established foundation as sole heir in the will and thus secured the financial resources. The foundation also owns the former private house of the publisher and his wife, which was built in 1955 in the St. Matthias district . The Villa Koch serves, among other things, as the administrative headquarters of the foundation.


The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes. It promotes vocational training, education and training and supports orphanages and institutions for the physically or mentally handicapped, in each case in the Trier administrative district , as it had existed until December 31, 1999 , when it was dissolved .

A basic philosophy of the foundation is to support projects only with start-up assistance. Nevertheless, in times of increasing bottlenecks in education and research funding, the Nikolaus Koch Foundation has grown into an important supporter of public budgets in the Trier region .

The purpose of the foundation is realized through the financing and co-financing of events for vocational training by non-profit institutions, schools in the Trier region, corporations under public law, the University of Trier and the University of Trier, monetary and material donations to associations and institutions in the field of the foundation's purpose, the award of scholarships for particularly talented and worthy students, general support for schools in the Trier region, the University of Trier and the University of Trier. A Nikolaus Koch Prize is also donated.

Trier University and University of Applied Sciences , which have received tens of millions in funding since the foundation was founded , are particularly mentioned . A particular focus of funding is psychology and psychobiology. Support is provided in the form of two endowed professorships for

  • Behavioral Genetics (since 2002) and
  • Clinical Psychophysiology (since 2003).

Foundation boards

  • Manfred Bitter (since 2003)
  • Norbert Kohler (until 2003), since then honorary chairman

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