Nikolaus Tietjen

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Nikolaus Hinrich Christopher Tietjen (born September 15, 1873 in Wellen near Beverstedt , † January 21, 1924 in Appeln ) was a farmer in Appeln and honorary mayor of Appeln from 1900 to 1924. From 1919 to 1924 he was also a member of the tax assessment committee of the Geestemünde district council ; He organized food deliveries to the Lower Weser towns for the starving people there during the distressed years of inflation 1921/22, and during this time initiated the issue of emergency money, which he also signed, for the seven communities of Appeln, Frelsdorf , Frelsdorfermühlen, Meyerhof, Easter village , Wehldorf and Wollingst , the so-called Söben-Dbody rail.


Tietjen was married to Anna Tietjen, geb. Wetjen, and had 10 children, four of whom immigrated to the United States. One of his grandsons is the American Lutheran Bishop John Tietjen .


  • Men from the morning star (ed.): The Samtgemeinde Beverstedt in the present and past . tape 11 . Self-published, Bremerhaven 1983, p. 51 ff . (Series of special publications).