Nonna Mayer

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Nonna Mayer, 2019

Nonna Mayer (born March 25, 1948 in Neuilly-sur-Seine ) is a French political scientist .


Mayer first acquired a BacPhil in 1965. From 1966 she studied public law at the University of Paris-Nanterre (License en droit public 1969), at the Paris Institute for Comparative Law (Diplôme 1970) and the University of Panthéon-Assas (DES) as well as political science at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Diplôme 1971 and Doctorat d'Etat 1984). From 1971 to 1973 she worked on the Cycle supérieur d'Etudes Politiques of the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques .

From 1974 to 2008 she worked at the CNRS-CEVIPOF, after which she became a research professor at the CNRS-CEE. In 1988 she became director of research. From 1999 to 2005 she was responsible for the Master’s program in Political Sociology . From 1991 to 2007 she was also visiting professor at the Stanford University Overseas Program in Paris. Mayer's research interests are: attitude and behavioral research , racism , anti-Semitism , right-wing extremism and social insecurity.

In 1994 she founded the GERMM research group with Olivier Fillieule (Groupe d'études et de recherche de l'Association française de science politique sur les mutations du militantisme). Since 2005 she has been chairwoman of the Association française de science politique (AFSP), where she coordinates a project in the field of election research . She is a member of the American Political Science Association .

She is u. a. Series editor of Contester (Presses de Sciences Po) and published several books a. a. to the Front National .


  • 2000: Honorary doctorate from the Université Libre de Bruxelles

Fonts (selection)

  • Ces Français qui votent Le Pen (2002)
  • with Bert Klandermans (Ed.): Extreme right activists in Europe: through the magnifying glass (2009)
  • with Bertrand Hervieu, Pierre Muller, P. Purseigle, Jacques Rémy (eds.): Les mondes agricoles en politique: De la fin des paysans au retour de la question agricole (2010)
  • Sociologie des comportements politiques (2010)
  • with Céline Braconnier (Ed.): Les inaudibles Sociologie politique des précaires (2015)

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