Norðurá (Héraðsvötn)

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Norðurá (Héraðsvötn)
location Iceland
River system Héraðsvötn
Drain over Héraðsvötn  → Arctic Ocean
source Source rivers on the Öxnadalsheiði
65 ° 28 ′ 7 ″  N , 18 ° 42 ′ 57 ″  W
muzzle Héraðsvötn near Silfrastaðir Coordinates: 65 ° 26 ′ 0 ″  N , 19 ° 11 ′ 0 ″  W 65 ° 26 ′ 0 ″  N , 19 ° 11 ′ 0 ″  W

Drain MQ
15 m³ / s
Communities Skagafjörður (municipality)

Norðurá is a river in the north of Iceland in the region of Skagafjörður . It is located in the municipality of Akrahreppur . Its average amount of water is 15 m³ / s.


Its source is on the Öxnadalsheiði plateau , another source river on the Hörgárdalsheiði . The river flows through Norðurárdalur, named after it, towards SSW into the Héraðsvötn .

The river is a confluence , i.e. H. numerous tributaries often ensure a relatively high water level. Also in spring when the snowmelts on the Tröllaskagi peninsula with its numerous mountains over 1,000 m high, there are regularly particularly high water levels. In winter, on the other hand, the water level is often low.


In the Norðurá in late summer - d. H. caught trout in Iceland in August .


The ring road runs through the valley on the route from Skagafjörður to Akureyri . It was rebuilt here last year and is now partly on a dam directly in the river bed.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Ísland Vega Atlas. Ed. Ferðakort, Reykjavík 2006, 16 and 18
  2. a b c d Íslandshandbókin. Náttúra, saga og sérkenni. 1. bindi. Edited by T. Einarsson, H. Magnússon. Örn og Örlygur, Reykjavík 1989, p. 392f.