Nordic World Ski Championships 1930 / participant (Yugoslavia)

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Logo Fédération Internationale de Ski


Gold medals Silver medals Bronze medals
- - -

Yugoslavia took part in the 7th Nordic World Ski Championships , which were held from February 22 to March 3, 1930 in Oslo , Norway , with three skiers.

The Yugoslav skiers, who had occupied the first three places in the national ski championship held shortly before in their country, competed in all official disciplines. The best result was achieved by Joško Janša with a 57th place in the endurance run over 50 kilometers.

In contrast to last year's FIS races in Zakopane , the southern Slavs did not take part in the military competitions that are not part of the world championships .

Participants and Results

athlete society Cross-country skiing
17 km
Cross-country skiing
50 km
Ski jumping
N. Comb.
18 km / K-50
28 km
Janko Janša SK Ilrija Ljubljana 81. 86. DNS 76. -
Joško Janša SK Ilrija Ljubljana 82. 57. DNS 73. -
Bogomir Šramel-Fric Smučarski Club Ljubljana DNF DNS 117. DNF -
