Normal family

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In mathematics , normal families are particularly important in function theory and complex dynamics .

general definition

Be and full metric spaces . An amount of continuous functions

is a normal family , if each sequence in a compact convergent subsequence (automatically continuous) with limit function contains.

So it has each sequence in a partial sequence with

for all compact subsets .

Normal families in function theory

In function theory, one generally chooses a domain in the domain of definition and the Riemann number sphere as the target space , provided with the chordal metric. It follows from Weierstraß's theorem of convergence that the limit value of a compact convergent sequence of holomorphic functions is again holomorphic or constant .

Montel's Little Theorem says that a locally uniformly bounded family of holomorphic functions is normal. After the huge set of Montel a family of analytic functions is normal when there with there, so no function of the family one of the values or accept.
