Notopogon fernandezianus

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Notopogon fernandezianus
Specimen from Notopogon fernandezianus

Specimen from Notopogon fernandezianus

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Pipefish (Syngnathiformes)
Family : Snipefish (Centriscidae)
Subfamily : Bellows fish (Macroramphosinae)
Genre : Notopogon
Type : Notopogon fernandezianus
Scientific name
Notopogon fernandezianus
( Delfín , 1899)

Notopogon fernandezianus is a small marine fish belonging to the pipefish group . It occurs in cool seas in the southern hemisphere. Fish of this species have so farbeen detectedin the southeastern Pacific over the Nazca plate (e.g. in the shelf of the Juan Fernández Islands (name) and the Salas y Gómez island) and in the southwest Atlantic from southwest Brazil to northern Argentina. Reports of an occurrence on the coast of southeastern Australia and New Zealand are based on confusion with the orange bellows fish ( Notopogon xenosoma ).


Notopogon fernandezianus can reach a maximum length of 18 centimeters. Its body is high-backed and oval to almost round. Together with the head, which ends in a long, tubular mouth, the result is a bellows- like shape. The external shape changes as we get older. Young fish are higher back than the adult fish, whose back profile becomes flatter with increasing age. The first dorsal fin is supported by six fin spines , the first of which is significantly elongated. The second dorsal fin and the anal fin are approximately symmetrically opposite each other above and below the tail fin stalk. This dorsal fin is supported by 6 hard and 17 soft rays, the anal fin has 18 soft rays. Notopogon fernandezianus is silvery-white in color. The top of the head and the tubular mouth are dark blue, the head below the eyes and the gill cover are silver. There are six oblique purple-blue stripes on each side of the body. The fins are almost transparent.

Way of life

Notopogon fernandezianus lives above the shelf of continents and islands at depths of 150 to 580 meters. They likely feed on small, planktonic crustaceans . Their way of life is largely unknown.


Web links

Commons : Notopogon fernandezianus  - collection of images, videos and audio files