Nucleus principalis nervi trigemini

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Scheme of cranial nerve nuclei in the brain stem. The nucleus principalis nervi trigemini is the middle of the nuclei marked with V.

The nucleus principalis nervi trigemini (also nucleus pontinus nervi trigemini ) is a pair of cranial nerve nuclei of the fifth cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve in the brain stem . He is generally somatosensitive and processes the epicritical sensitivity , i.e. the fine tactile sensation, of the facial region.


The core area lies in the upper part of the pons , part of the metencephalon . There it borders on two other core areas of the trigeminal nerve , the nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini and the nucleus motorius nervi trigemini . It also borders on the fiber tract of his cranial nerve, which pulls to the side of the pons to exit and from which he receives his afferents .

Most of the efferents pass via the lemniscus trigeminalis to the opposite side (contralateral) and here to the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis in the diencephalon . A part of the efferents runs ipsilataral in the tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis .


The nucleus principalis nervi trigemini contains the perikaryen of nerve cells that receive information from those mechanoreceptors of the facial skin that are responsible for the fine tactile sensation. This information is passed on to them by pseudounipolar nerve cells of the peripheral nervous system , which have their perikarya in the trigeminal ganglion .

The nerve cells of the core area ensure that the fine tactile impressions are passed on to the thalamus , where they are processed and passed on to the postcentral gyrus of the cerebrum .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Zilles, Bernhard Tillmann : Anatomie . Springer, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-540-69483-0 , pp. 717 .