Numerus Exploratorum Bremeniensium

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Altar of the Tribune Cassius Sabinianus from Rochester

The Numerus Exploratorum Bremeniensium [Gordianus] ( German  Numerus der Scout in Bremenium [the Gordian] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is documented by inscriptions.

Name components

  • Exploratorum : the scout or scout.
  • Bremeniensium : in Bremenium . The addition refers to the Roman auxiliary troop fort Bremenium .
  • Gordianus : the Gordian. A title of honor that refers to Gordian III. (238-244) refers. The addition appears in the inscription (RIB 1262).


The number was stationed in the province of Britannia in the 3rd century AD . It is first documented by the inscription (RIB 1262), which was found in the Bremenium fort and which is dated to 238/244 AD.


Locations of the number in Britannia inferior were:

Members of the number

Two commanders of the numerus are known:

  • Caepio Charitinus, a tribune (RIB 1270)
  • Cassius Sabinianus, a tribune (RIB 1262)

Both tribunes were also commanders of the Cohors I Fida Vardullorum and the Numerus Exploratorum Bremeniensium .

See also

Web links

Commons : Numerus Exploratorum Bremeniensium  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Marcus Reuter : Studies on the numbers of the Roman Army in the Middle Imperial Era, dissertation, In: Reports of the Roman-Germanic Commission 80, 1999, pp. 359–569, here pp. 440–441.