Nurmuchambet Abdibekov

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Nurmuchambet Qanapijauly Äbdibekow ( Kazakh Нұрмұхамбет Қанапияұлы Әбдібеков , Russian Нурмухамбет Канапиевич Абдибеков Nurmuchambet Kanapijewitsch Abdibekow * 21st December 1961 in Arkalyk , Kazakhstan SSR ) is a Kazakh politician. He has been CEO of Kazakhstan Engineering since September 2018.


Nurmuchambet Äbdibekow was born in Arkalyk in 1961 . He studied at the Mining Institute in Moscow , where he graduated in 1984. He started his professional career in a phosphate mine in Oktyabrsk in the Aktobe region . From 1993 to 1995 he worked as a senior researcher for mineral raw materials at the site of the western branch of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences in Aqtöbe . Between January 1995 and February 1996, he was Deputy Director of the Kaysarzhan Company.

In 1996 he was the head of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Bureau of Industry and Trade of the Aqtöbe Region Administration. From 1997 to 1998 he was head of the department for foreign economic policy and investments of the regional administration of the Aqtöbe area and then until 2003 he was the head of the department for economy of the area Aqtöbe. In 2003 he was head of the department for trade and industry and responsible for supporting small businesses in the Atyrau region . Between October 2004 and December 2007 he was Deputy Äkim (Governor) of the Aqtöbe Region and then Deputy Chairman of the Board of Batys. In 2009 he was head of the spatial development strategy department of the National Space Agency of Kazakhstan and from December 2009 to March 2010 he was chairman of the committee on industry in the Ministry of Industry and Trade. He then held the post of Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade and after the dissolution of this Ministry in April 2010 he was Deputy Minister for Industry and New Technologies . In July 2011 he was appointed mayor of the city of Aqtöbe. He held this post until February 2012 when he became the first deputy Äkim of the Aqtöbe area. On June 20, 2014, he was appointed Akim of the Karagandy Region . Since March 2017 he has been chairman of the Audit Committee for Control of the Republican Budget. He held this post until February 20, 2018.

Since September 28, 2018, Äbdibekow has been CEO of the state-owned company Kazakhstan Engineering.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Абдибеков Нурмухамбет Канапиевич , accessed on June 22, 2017 (Russian).
  2. Kazpravda: Председателем Счетного комитета назначен Нурмухамбет Абдибеков , accessed June 22, 2017 (Russian).
  3. Экс-аким Карагандинской области возглавил "Казахстан инжиниринг" , accessed March 7, 2019 (Russian).