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Обихингоу, Obi Khingob
The Obichingou north of Tawildara

The Obichingou north of Tawildara

location Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij ( Tajikistan )
River system Amu Darya
Drain over Wachsch  → Amudarja  → Aral Sea (temporarily)
Confluence of Gharmo and Kirgisob
38 ° 52 '20 "  N , 71 ° 32' 32"  O
muzzle Wachsch coordinates: 38 ° 52 '2 "  N , 70 ° 1' 40"  E 38 ° 52 '2 "  N , 70 ° 1' 40"  E

length 180 km  (with source river 205 km)
Catchment area 6600 km²
Left tributaries Bochud
Communities Tawildara
Hydrological catchment areas in Eastern Tajikistan

Hydrological catchment areas in Eastern Tajikistan

The Obichingou ( Russian Обихингоу , also Obi Khingob ) is a left tributary of the Wachsch in Tajikistan .

The river arises in the western Pamir at the confluence of the two source rivers Gharmo from the left and Kirgisob from the right, which are fed by the melt water of the glaciers of the chain of the Academy of Sciences . The Obichingou flows in a predominantly westerly direction through the mountains. To the south lies the Darwaskette , to the north the Peter I chain . After 180 km the Obichingou meets the Wachsch , which is also called Surchob above the mouth . The Obichingou catchment area covers 6600 km². An important tributary on the left is the Bochud . The M41 trunk road runs along the lower Obichingou.